In vitro fermentation of a supplement with increasing levels of mature carob pods (Samanea saman)
Tree legume pods are characterized by their protein content; increasing protein in a supplement with tree legumes is an alternative to improve the productive parameters of ruminants. The objective was to evaluate in vitro biogas fermentation variables, kinetic estimators (A, b, and k), dry matter degradation (DMS) and detergent neutral fiber (DFDN) of a supplement with 0, 10, 20 and 30% inclusion of mature carob pods. The biodigester (120 mL serological vials) contained: 0.5 g of one type of supplement, 40 mL of culture medium and 10 mL of fresh rumen fluid (inoculum). The vials were incubated at 39 °C for 72 h. The experimental design was completely randomized. T20 presented higher biogas production at 12 and 24 h; whereas, at 48 and 72 h were T0 and T20. T20 was higher for A, T0 and T10 lower for k and T0 lower for b (p<0.05). pH and DMS showed no differences between treatments (p>0.05). The DFDN showed a tendency to decrease as the carob pod increased. It is concluded that the inclusion of 20% of mature carob pods in a supplement can be used as a feeding strategy in ruminants.
Key words: Tree legume, fermentation, biogas, DMS, DFDN, carob.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Brenda Karina Morales Campos, Paulino Sánchez Santillán, Nicolás Torres Salado, Luis Alaniz Gutiérrez, Luis Antonio Saavedra Jiménez, Liliana Aguilar Marcelino

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