Preliminary analysis of growth, carcass and meat quality traits in Uruguayan Creole Cattle steers in comparison with Hereford steers.
The Uruguayan Creole cattle (UCC) reserve has aproximately 600 individuals. These animals have shown high capability of adaptation to unfavorable environments. In this work we evaluated growth and meat production traits of 30 UCC steers in comparison with 10 Hereford steers. All animals received the same sanitary and nutritional management (grazing in natural grasslands, without supplementation), from 6-8 months of age. At 43 months of age a sample of 6 UCC and 6 Hereford steers was selected for carcass and meat evaluation. The evolution of body weight was similar, having Hereford steers higher weight (p < 0.05) only at the beginning and at the end of the trial. Significant diferences were observed in rib-eye area and fat thickness (p < 0.05) towards UCC. Most of the carcass measures did not show significant differences, except pH which was lower in UCC (p < 0.05). Significant differences were observed in muscle and bone porcentaje at the 10th rib favorable to UCC steers (p < 0.05), and a slightly significant difference towards Hereford in visible fat percentage (p = 0,049). No significant differences were observed between both breeds for meat quality traits, except for fatty acids profile. Hereford showed higher unsaturated fatty acids percentage (p < 0.05), and UCC higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, p < 0,05). No differences were observed in the comsumer panel trial. A larger sample is needed to obtain firm conclusions, but these results are promising and show a very good potential of UCC for beef production, in comparison with a highly selected breed.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Eileen Armstrong, Danilo Fila, Juan Carlos Boggio , Rafael Aragunde
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.