Synchronization of estrus in multiparous ewes with CIDR of first, second and third reuse

Keywords: reused CIDRs, intravaginal devices, progesterone, reproductive variables


A total of 172 multiparous ewes with an average body weight of 59 kg were used, randomly distributed in four treatments: CIDR1 with new devices (control treatment) and reused CIDR2, CIDR3, CIDR4 (with 6, 12 and 18 days of previous use, respectively). . The variables beginning of estrus and prolificacy index were analyzed with the Kruskal Wallis test; the onset of estrus, on average, occurred later in the treatment with new CIDRs (40±10 h) (P≤0.05) compared to those of first reuse (31±9 h), there was no difference with those of second and third reuse. The presence of estrus, gestation percentage, fertility percentage and type of delivery were evaluated by means of the chi-square test and there were no differences (P>0.05) between treatments. The presence of estrus oscillated between 93 and 100%, the average value of gestation was 80.8%, 80.2% for the fertility percentage and 1.26 for the prolificacy index. The percentage of single births (71, 72, 79, and 57% in CIDR1, CIDR2, CIDR3, and CIDR4, respectively) were higher (P≤0.05) than double births. Measurements of progesterone concentrations in blood serum were performed using the ELISA technique, where a difference (P>0.05) was observed between the fourth use treatment of CIDR with respect to the other treatments. It is concluded that the use of CIDR in 6-day protocols allows the devices to be used up to the fourth time.


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How to Cite
López-García, Susana, María Teresa Sánchez-Torres Esqueda, José Luis Cordero-Mora, José Luis Figueroa-Velasco, José Alfredo Martínez-Aispuro, and Teódulo Salinas Ríos. 2023. “Synchronization of Estrus in Multiparous Ewes With CIDR of First, Second and Third Reuse”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 31 (Suplemento), 21-27.