Relationship between birth weight and thoracic measurements in Argentine Criollo calves

Keywords: morphometry, calving ease, genetic resources


The Argentine Creole breed is characterized by its calving ease. Difficulties at calving can lead to calf losses, increased controls and assistance from females, and cows losses in the most severe circumstances. The inconveniences at calving have been related to the calf's birth weight, the mother's pelvic area and the relationship between both variables. The conformation of the calf is also mentioned as another important component. The objective of this work was to relate the calf's birth weight (PN) with its body measurements: width (AT), depth (PT), perimeter (PERI) and chest area (AREA). For this, the information of 67 calves born in the year 2019 belonging to the rodeo of Argentine Criollo cattle of the IIACS - INTA Leales, Tucumán was used. Variables were analyzed through correlations and linear regressions. PN, PERI, PT and AREA presented high positive correlations (0.87, 0.91 and 0.76 respectively). AT was the only variable whose correlation with PN was not significant. The recorded body measurements would indicate that difficulties in calving should be present in the breed, so it is necessary to study other factors that allow us to understand the calving ease in Argentinean Cattle.


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How to Cite
Holgado, Fernando Daniel, Maria Florencia Ortega, Gabriela Eugenia Cantarella, and Jorge Luis Fernandez. 2020. “Relationship Between Birth Weight and Thoracic Measurements in Argentine Criollo Calves”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 28 (3-4), 87-90.