Alternatives to traditional anthelmintics to control gastrointestinal nematodes in grazing meat goats

  • Jean-Marie Luginbuhl North Carolina State University
  • Silvana Pietrosemoli Facultad de Agronomia, La Universidad del Zulia
  • Jeanne M. Howell USDA, ARS Livestock Insects Research Laboratory, Kerrville, TX
  • Kevin L. Anderson North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC,


Studies were conducted to determine the efficacy of a commercial herbal dewormer (HDC, Studies 1 and 2) and a tanniferous perennial legume (Study 3) to reduce fecal egg counts (FEC) in grazing goats (Capra hircus). Goats grazed Festuca arundinacea (Study 1), Lolium multiflorum L. (Study 2), and Lespedeza cuneata or Tripsacum dactyloides (Study 3). In study 1, the eggs per gram (EPG) of feces from goats orally-drenched weekly with HDC decreased from 1,006 to 758 by Day 33, then stabilized at a mean of 740 EPG until the end of the trial (Day 103). Conversely, FEC of goats drenched with ivomectin (IVO) decreased from 935 EPG to 163 EPG by Day 26, then steadily increased to 646 by Day 103. The EPG differed between IVO and HDC on Day 12, 19, 26, 33, 40 (P <0.0001), 47 (P <0.007), 54 (P <0.07), 61 (P<0.002), 68 (P <0.04) and 89 (P<0.09). In Study 2, neither oral fenbendazole nor one or two weekly doses of HDC had an effect on FEC, an indication of resistance to fenbendazole by gastrointestinal nematodes. In Study 3, FEC of goats grazing L. cuneata and T. dactyloides for 5 wk had decreased from 860 to 500 EPG for the former and increased from 1630 to 2310 EPG for the latter (P <0.06). Thereafter, FEC of goats switched from T. dactyloides to L. cuneata decreased to 1595, 1120 and 410 during the following 3 wk, whereas FEC of goats switched from L. cuneata to T. dactyloides still decreased to 220, 195, and 70 EPG (P <0.007, P <0.02, and P <.09, respectively). Within the confines of studies 1 and 2, HDC showed some or no effectiveness in reducing FEC in goats grazing infected pastures, whereas there was a significant reduction in FEC of goats grazing L. cuneata.


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Author Biographies

Jean-Marie Luginbuhl, North Carolina State University
Dr. Jean Marie “JM” Luginbuhl, Associate Professor of Crop Science and Animal Science at North Carolina State University, has been leading the Meat Goat and Forage Systems Research and Extension Program since October 1995. In that position, Dr. Luginbuhl is responsible for conducting research with meat goats and guiding the development of the meat goat industry. His current research program emphasis and goals include 1. Developing sustainable forage/browse based feeding systems for meat goats 2. Using goats as bio agents to control invasive herbaceous weeds and woody vegetation in pastures, forest land and other areas when grazing alone or in combination with cattle 3. Evaluating the browse potential of fodder tree species in agroforestry systems for meat goats. 4. Determining the copper tolerance of meat goats His current extension program 1. Provides statewide leadership in the development of the expanding meat goat industry through training, technology transfer and educational programs designed for cooperative extension agents, farmers and agribusiness professionals 2. Assist the fast-expanding North Carolina Meat Goat Producers Cooperative with the development of alternative marketing strategies for meat goats In the past, Dr. Luginbuhl has worked with small farmers and researchers in the Andes of Perú and in Morocco and Indonesia. Dr. Luginbuhl is presently the regional director for North America of the International Goat Association. Dr. Luginbuhl is a native of the city of Neuchâtel, located in the French part of Switzerland.
Silvana Pietrosemoli, Facultad de Agronomia, La Universidad del Zulia
Profesora Departamento de Zootecnia
Jeanne M. Howell, USDA, ARS Livestock Insects Research Laboratory, Kerrville, TX
Research Veterinary Medical Officer USDA, ARS
Kevin L. Anderson, North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC,
Professor College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Population Health and Pathobiology
How to Cite
Luginbuhl, Jean-Marie, Silvana Pietrosemoli, Jeanne M. Howell, and Kevin L. Anderson. 2011. “Alternatives to Traditional Anthelmintics to Control Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Grazing Meat Goats”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 18 (3-4).
Original paper