Digestive tract morphology of piglets fed diets with isolated or concentrate soy protein.

  • Tércia Cesária Reis de Souza Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Mexico
  • María de los Angeles Aguilera Barreiro Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Araceli Aguilera Barreiro Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Gerardo Mariscal Landín Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias
  • María de Jesús Guerrero Carrillo Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


Fifteen weaned piglets (WP) were used to investigate the effect of dietary protein source on the development of digestives organs and the intestinal integrity. The WP group was fed during four week after weaning with one of three diets: Concentrate soy protein (CSP), Isolated soy protein as the only protein source (ISP) or supplemented with dry whey (ISP-DW). At 44 day of age, the piglets were slaughtered, and the pancreas, stomach, small intestine (SI), and liver were dissected and weighed. The SI was cut in three portions duodenum, jejunum and ileum) to perform histological analysis. Furthermore, at weaning five piglets were slaughtered to form a control group (CG). The organs absolute weight in weaned piglets fed ISP was similar to that of CG and lower of other WP, excepting liver that it did not differ of weaned piglets fed with CSP. Among WP, those of ISP had the lower (P<0.01) relative weight (g•kg-1 BW) of pancreas and SI. Others organs weights were similar between WP and CG. In duodenum, the villus was shorter in ISP weaned piglets than WC (159 vs 344 m); in jejunum ISP-DW piglets had the villus with a similar height to CG (340 vs 416 m). The development of the villus and digestives organs was more evident in piglets fed with ISP-DW or CSP.


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Author Biography

Tércia Cesária Reis de Souza, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Mexico
Médica Veterinaria (1979) y M. en C. en Zootecnia (1983) por la Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brasil; Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas (1992) por la Université de Rennes I - Francia. Porfesor Adjunto de la Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brasil) de 1983 a 1994. Cátedra Patrimonial de Excelencia (CONACYT) en la Universidad Veracruzana (México) de 1994 a 1995. Profesor investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (México) de 1996 hasta la fecha. SNI nivel I de 1998 hasta 2008. Profesor perfil PROMEP (SEP, México) de 2000 a la fecha.
How to Cite
Reis de Souza, Tércia Cesária, María de los Angeles Aguilera Barreiro, Araceli Aguilera Barreiro, Gerardo Mariscal Landín, and María de Jesús Guerrero Carrillo. 2010. “Digestive Tract Morphology of Piglets Fed Diets With Isolated or Concentrate Soy Protein.”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 15 (4). https://ojs.alpa.uy/index.php/ojs_files/article/view/539.
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