Dual purpose cattle production systems and the challenges of the tropics of Mexico

  • Juan G. Magaña-Monforte Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Mexico
  • G. Rios-Arjona Universidad Autónoma de Yucatan, Mexico
  • J. C. Martinez-Gonzalez Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico


Short and medium term constraints on beef and milk production in Mexico are analyzed, as are some biological and economic characteristics and advantages of dual purpose cattle production systems (DPS) in the Mexican tropics. Available resources, such as soil, water, forages, cheap by-product feeds, and the existing animal population, could be managed to increase milk production from DPS and double their proportional contribution to the national milk supply. Milk production from DPS is cheaper than that from other intensive systems in use in Mexico. However, DPS face several challenges, such as lack of information about costs and bioeconomical benefits from different proposed technologies. Some relevant examples are discussed in relation to certain public policies either suggested or applied, such as changes in land use to accommodate an increased animal population needed to satisfy the demand for animal products in urban areas. Greater production could also be achieved by improving nutritional and reproductive management of the herds. Another matter discussed is the lack of harmony between animal genetic and feed resources and the biological and economic consequences thereof. Finally, to avoid negative environmental effects and take optimal advantage of DPS potential, the integration of a technological package, based on utilization of regional resources and nutrient recycling plus improved efficiency of nutrient utilization through the use of crossbred animals, is suggested. (Spanish)


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How to Cite
Magaña-Monforte, Juan G., G. Rios-Arjona, and J. C. Martinez-Gonzalez. 2006. “Dual Purpose Cattle Production Systems and the Challenges of the Tropics of Mexico”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 14 (3). https://ojs.alpa.uy/index.php/ojs_files/article/view/493.
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