TI 03. Yield grading beef carcasses from the Mideastern region of Venezuela
Analyses of variance of cut-out data (percentages of beef cuts, bone or trimmed fat) from 36 bulls were calculated to validate effectiveness of two grading criteria to segregate groups of carcasses with distinct commercial composition. Bull carcasses graded A (n = 13), B (n = 14) or C (n = 9) by the official carcass grade (OCG) and 2 (n = 5), 3 (n = 16) or 4 (n = 11) by the Yield Index (IRC). Only four out of the 19 individual carcass components under study were significantly affected by the OCG. Moreover, mean separation indicated a poor performance of OCG (A<B<C, in percent yield of shanks and rump; A>B, in percent trimmed fat) in yield grading for these individual components. A more logical sequence of segregation by yield was found with the use of the Yield Index (IRC) which affected (P<.05) Medium-valued boneless cuts from the chuck (IRC2>IRC3>IRC4) but no differences were found between IRC 3 and IRC 4. To accomplish their objectives, revision of the present grading system should consider the use of a prediction equation to better segregate groups of beef carcasses by yield.