Future of livestock production in Latin America and cross-continental developments

  • Akke van der Zijpp Animal Science Department, Wageningen University; The Netherlands


The future of animal production will depend on the need for animal proteins for human consumption and health. The world's human population is projected to grow to 8 billion in 2020. The standard of living will rise too. Intensification of livestock production will occur as a response to growing demand for food of animal origin. However the requirements for food production will become broad based. These requirements are evolving from food security to food safety, a clean environment, and socially acceptable systems of production. The overall concept of animal production is moving from the techno-centric to the eco-centric, and finally, to the holocentric paradigm. Inclusion of all stakeholders in the production process and chain becomes conditional to the farmers' license to produce. International trade will become based on the demands of the consumer. The principles of sustainability, i.e. integration of economics, ecology and social values in a given context are likely to become incorporated in the products of animal agriculture. Therefore cost will no longer be the single determining factor. Exchange of information about sustainability will be essential for development of animal agriculture at the local level and for the opportunities of trade.


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How to Cite
van der Zijpp, Akke. 2005. “Future of Livestock Production in Latin America and Cross-Continental Developments”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 11 (1). https://ojs.alpa.uy/index.php/ojs_files/article/view/34.
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