Tips for developing a research career: a decalogue based on personal experience

Keywords: academy, scientific learning, postgraduate


The number of people working in research activities is very low worldwide, even more so in Latin America. This activity results from highly selective training processes, which have led to the development of a series of recommendations based on personal experiences. These recommendations constitute a general framework that must be adapted to each case. These recommendations have been grouped into 10 main points: 1. High dedication to the activity; 2. Passion for what is done; 3. Honesty in the way of proceeding; 4. Continuous training and humility in the face of the unknown; 5. Teamwork and collaboration; 6. Development of board visions to answer quality scientific questions; 7. Understanding that the results are consequences of the process itself; 8. Acquiring and integrating specific, but also transversal knowledge; 9. Visualizing lines of work and scientific development beyond each experiment; 10. Focusing on training new researchers. The activity of a researcher is exciting, but it also demands a very high level of dedication, both in terms of time and skills. This career requires sustained, both short- and long-term efforts. The environment in which the activity is carried out significantly influences the opportunities and possibilities, so it is crucial to evaluate the context critically and seek the best strategies to consolidate the professional path. There is no unique path to develop this career, and therefore, the points mentioned should be considered simply as the result of personal experience. Ultimately, someone who should reflect and define their path is the person who wishes to undertake a career as a researcher. I hope that these recommendations can serve as a helpful guide to facilitate that path.


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How to Cite
Ungerfeld, Rodolfo. 2024. “Tips for Developing a Research Career: A Decalogue Based on Personal Experience”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 32 (4), 191-98.