Approach to the current state of insect production for human and animal consumption in Latin America

  • Karol Bibiana Barragán-Fonseca Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Rodrigo Llaurado @Chepulines
Keywords: insects as food, insect production, entomophagy, bioeconomy


Insects constitute more than 50% of all known species, playing a crucial role in the planet's biomass and providing essential ecosystem services such as biological control, pollination, food and feed, and bioconversion. In the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, insects are not only fundamental to biodiversity and ecosystems but also play a key role in economic aspects ranging from human consumption to applications in health, agriculture, and medicine. Entomophagy, or insect´s consumption, is a traditional practice in Latin American countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, and Colombia. However, the production of insects as food and feed in the region is in its early stages, facing challenges in terms of regulations, training, knowledge dissemination, and collaboration between public and private institutions. Surveys were conducted to assess the situation of insect production in Latin America, revealing a growing interest in species such as the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens), the mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), and the house cricket (Acheta domesticus). Productive initiatives for these species were identified at various scales, but there is still a lack of experience related to their management or production. The results indicate the need for more training and knowledge dissemination to drive the development of this emerging industry in the region. Additionally, the lack of legislation related to insects as feed and food highlights the need for collaboration to advance a regulatory framework for the production, processing, and marketing of these species.


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How to Cite
Barragán-Fonseca, Karol Bibiana, and Rodrigo Llaurado. 2024. “Approach to the Current State of Insect Production for Human and Animal Consumption in Latin America”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 32 (2), 77-88.
Original paper