Composition of the cell wall of coconut stem treated by solid fermentation using Pleurotus ostreatus as inoculum

Keywords: celulose, fiber, microorganisms


Due to its physical and chemical properties, the use of coconut stems as a substrate in solid fermentations is increasing. This consists of growing a microorganism on a solid substrate under certain conditions of humidity, pH, aeration and temperature. The objective was to determine the composition of the cell wall of the coconut stem treated at different times of solid fermentation with three strains of Pleurotus ostreatus as inoculums. In Erlenmeyer flasks (500 mL), 100 g of coconut stems were placed with 80% humidity and inoculated with strains 1B3, MR and P15 of P. ostreatus at 10% W/W and incubated at room temperature (30 °C). during 15, 30, 45 and 60 d. The variables of hemicellulose, cellulose and acid detergent lignin (LDA) were analyzed with a 4x3 factorial arrangement within a completely randomized design with the SAS GLM procedure and the average values were compared with the Tukey test. The ferment treated with the 1B3 strain at 15 and 30 days presented a lower content of hemicellulose, the ferments at 45 and 60 days inoculated with the MR and P15 and 1B3 strains showed a higher content (p<0.05). The highest cellulose content in the ferments was shown at 60 d with any strain and at 45 d with the MR and P15 strains (p<0.05). The LDA content does not show much. The components of the cell wall of the coconut stem treated with solid fermentation and P. ostreatus as inoculum present important deficiencies from 15 to 60 d of fermentation and can be an alternative in the feeding of ruminants.


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How to Cite
Salas Cirilo, Vianey, Paulino Sanchéz Santillán, Nicolás Torres Salado, and Jerónimo Herrera Pérez. 2023. “Composition of the Cell Wall of Coconut Stem Treated by Solid Fermentation Using Pleurotus Ostreatus As Inoculum”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 31 (Suplemento), 175-79.