Productive behavior and nutritional quality of two varieties of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) subjected to fertilization and inoculation
The objective of the research was to evaluate the productive performance and nutritional quality of two varieties of alfalfa subjected to fertilization and inoculation. The experiment consisted of two phases (growth and regrowth) and the experimental design was completely randomized, with a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. The factors were: varieties (Pampeana9 - P9) and Roundup Ready - RR), with or without fertilization and with or without inoculation, resulting in eight combinations and four repetitions. Plant height (AP), coverage (%), dry matter percentage (%DM), green and dry mass yield (RMV and RMS), crude protein content (CP), total digestible nutrients (NDT) were measured. ), metabolizable energy (ME), non-fibrous carbohydrates (CNF), ether extract (EE), mineral matter (MM), neutral and acid detergent fiber (NDF and FDA), lignin (Lig) and acid detergent insoluble protein (PIDA ). The P9 variety performed better for the MM and PIDA variables, presenting lower values (11.60 and 11.40% respectively). Fertilization improved the CP (0.25 percentage point), the AP up to 75 DDE (12%), the coverage in both phases (9 and 4 percentage points), the RMV (27%) and the RMS (36%) in the growth phase, but reduced the %DM in this phase (3 percentage points). The inoculation reduced the coverage in both phases (7 and 4 percentage points), the EE, FDN, FDA, Lig and PIDA by 0.25; 1.84; 3.22; 2.28 and 1.46 percentage points, respectively; A lower RMV (30%) was also observed in the growth phase; but it improved the %DM (1 percentage point), RMV (20%) and RMS (23%) in the regrowth phase and increased the MM content (0.78 percentage point).
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