Reproductive aspects of the Venezuelan layer hen breeds Maracay, GDB and their hybrids in a small-scale system

  • Félix Mejías Departamento de Ingeniería en Producción Animal, Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira
  • Rafael Galíndez González Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Keywords: shell color, hatching, fertility


With the aim to analyzed some reproductive aspects of the Venezuelan lay hens Maracay (MCY), GDB and the hybrids in a small-scale system, they were hatched 956 eggs. It was characterized the egg shell color and it was evaluated the fertility, total and fertile hatching, through of a variance analyze whit binomial distribution, with a random block design. The statistical model included racial group, blocks (lot) effects and the interaction. GDB mainly showed cream-colored eggs (73.8 %), MCY brown (58.7 %), MCY x GDB pink (64,1 %), and GDB x MCY cream-colored eggs. GDB x MCY showed bigger (P<0.05) fertility (89.4 %) than other groups. This hybrid showed bigger (P<0.05) total (81 %) and fertile (90.8 %) hatching than the rest. The racial group * lot it was significant for fertility, and total hatching. It is concluded that the cross of roster GDB with Maracay hens is better by the all evaluated characters; it is noted that, the interaction genotype * environment effect is important in these traits.


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How to Cite
Mejías, Félix, and Rafael Galíndez González. 2024. “Reproductive Aspects of the Venezuelan Layer Hen Breeds Maracay, GDB and Their Hybrids in a Small-Scale System”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 32 (3 in progr), 137-44.
Original paper