Cashmere in Criolla Neuquina goats: influence of the shearing period on the quantity and quality of the fiber

Keywords: cashmere, fleece weight, yield, diameter, molt


In the north of Neuquen province, Argentina, with a stocking rate of 630,000 individuals in the goat family, belonging to the Criolla Neuquina (CNN) breed, cashmere has been found in their fleeces. The objective of this work was to evaluate the quantity and quality of the fibre obtained in CCN, depending on the shearing time (prepartum or postpartum). Our work was performed in four locations (Curaco, Manzano Amargo, Cura Mallin y Loncovaca) in the north of Neuquén. In each location, 25 goats were sheared at prepartum and 25 goat at postpartum. Inferential comparisons were performed for both shearing times within each location, on the variables fleece weight (PV), cashmere weight (PCash) and Mean Diameter of cashmere (DMCash). At postpartum were found in all locations that between 30 and 52% of the goats have totally shed their cashmere coat. The shearing time significantly affected PV in all sites, being the weight obtained prepartum higher, so was PCash in all locations except Cura Mallin and DMCash proved to be significantly coarser for the prepartum shorn fleeces in Cura Mallin and Manzano Amargo.  Prepartum PV values were within 445.2 g and 654.0 g; postpartum PV were between 193.8 g and 338.6 g. Prepartum PCash values were within 84.1 g and 160.4 g while postpartum PCash were between 51.3 and 106.2 g. Prepartum DMCash values were within 19.4 µm and 20.2 µm and postpartum DMCash values were between 18.2 µm and 19.2 µm. The shedding biological process which occurs between the two shearing times evaluated here, is a conditioning factor for quantity and quality of cashmere obtained.


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Author Biographies

Diego Sacchero, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria

Ingeniero Zootecnista (Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina)

Master Scienciae en ciencias agrarias (universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)

Desempeña sus funciones como Director del Laboratorio de Fibras Textiles (EEA INTA Bariloche) desde junio de 2002.

Representante técnico en el Comité Nacional de Argentina ante la IWTO, representante de INTA en Unidad Ejecutora Provincial PROLANA de Rio Negro, coordinación de grupo interlaboratorio RELATEX (Nueva Zelanda, Uruguay y Argentina). Responsable de curso de posgrado Tecnología de productos. Maestría en Producción de rumiantes menores (Convenio INTA – UNR – UNCOMA).

Ha realizado consultorías y asesoramiento técnico en agregado de valor en fibras textiles animales para CFI, ADENEU, FOAR y PNUD.

María Rosa Lanari, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria

Ingeniera Agrónoma (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina).

Dra. en Ciencias Biológicas (Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina).

Trabaja en el Grupo de Genética y Reproducción, INTA EEA Bariloche, desde 1993. Temas de referencia: Recursos genéticos, genética y mejoramiento en rumiantes menores.

Miembro del Comité Académico de la Maestría en Producción de Rumiantes Menores (UNCo-UNR-INTA)


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How to Cite
Maurino, Julia, Diego Sacchero, and María Rosa Lanari. 2022. “Cashmere in Criolla Neuquina Goats: Influence of the Shearing Period on the Quantity and Quality of the Fiber”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 30 (4), 321-29.
Original paper