Life Cycle Analysis of export beef from Argentina


  • Rodolfo Gustavo Bongiovanni National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA)
  • Leticia Tuninetti Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial
  • Verónica Charlón Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, Rafaela
  • Mariano Minaglia Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial
Keywords: environmental impacts, emissions, ecolabels, beef, footprints


This research studies the Life Cycle Assessment of beef produced in a system with breeding and rearing in the field, plus fattening in feedlot, in Southern Santiago del Estero, Argentina, based upon the protocol Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). The slaughterhouse and packaging facility is located at Río Segundo, Córdoba. The meat is exported to Miami, Hilden and Santiago de Chile. The EPD analyzes 8 environmental impacts: Global Warming Potential or Carbon Footprint, Acidification Potential, Eutrophication Potential, Photochemical oxidation, Abiotic depletion of elements, Abiotic depletion of fossil fuels, Water Scarcity and Ozone layer depletion. The scope is from cradle to gate for the year 2020 and the declared unit is one kilogram of vacuum-packed beef without bone, fresh, placed at the distributor. The declared unit can be visualized as 1 kg of live weight at the farm, 1 kg of meat at the facility, and 1 kg of meat the distributors. The Carbon Footprint is 11,91 kgCO2eq / kg live weight; 28,50 kgCO2eq / kg meat at the facility; and 31,43 kgCO2eq, 28,93 kgCO2eq and 28,60 kgCO2eq / kg meat at Miami, Hilden and Santiago de Chile, respectively. These values are an intermediate range with respect to the bibliography. The main hotspot in the field is enteric fermentation, followed by manure management. In the slaughterhouse and packaging facility, the main contributor is energy consumption. In logistics to the US, the main impact is air freight (97%) while, for Germany, the impact of freight is divided equally between land and sea. Land freight to Chile is the lowest value among the three destinations studied.


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How to Cite
Bongiovanni, Rodolfo Gustavo, Leticia Tuninetti, Verónica Charlón, and Mariano Minaglia. 2023. “Life Cycle Analysis of Export Beef from Argentina: .”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 31 (1), 69-91.
Original paper