Effect of silage additives and duration of aerobic exposure on the in vitro degradability and recovery of dry matter of silage sorghum in two stages of maturity
The effects of silage additives and duration of aerobic exposure on the in vitro degradability and recovery of dry matter (DM) of ensiled forage sorghum in the two maturity stages of 90 and 110 days of growth were evaluated. The forage chopped into 2.5 cm pieces received one of four following treatments: without additive (control), enzyme (0.1% of the fresh matter), bacteria inoculum (106 cfu / g of fresh material) and enzymes together with the inoculum; Then it was placed in the laboratory built with PVC (Polyvinil Chloride) with a capacity of 1.6 kg. Two silos were opened per treatment in each stage of maturity after 100 days of fermentation. The resulting silage was exposed to aerobic conditions in styrofoam containers lined with plastic. After 0, 3, and 7 days of aerobic exposure, the in vitro degradability of the DM and the recovery of the DM were determined. DM degradability was similar for both maturity stages and between additives, however, it decreased (P <.05) after 7 days (54.2%) of aerobic exposure when compared to 0 (57.5%) and 3 days (56.1 %). The DM recovery was lower (P <.05) in silage sorghum at 90 days of growth with the 3 additives (87.2 to 89.8%) than without these (95.9%), while in silage sorghum at 110 days it was lower with the bacterial inoculum than without it (89.5 and 91.6% vs. 91.3 and 94.7%). It is concluded that the addition of the additives did not improve the aerobic stability of the forage sorghum silage and that the deterioration of the silage is progressive with the exposure time.
Copyright (c) 1996 Abner A. Rodríguez, Steven R. Rust, Ernesto O. Riquelme, Melvin T. Yokoyama
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