Preliminary observations on carcass traits and meat yield of five types of Brahman-influenced grass-fed bulls
Benefiting from interventions of the savanna ecosystem, breeders in Los Llanos of Apure State (Venezuela) are exploring the opportunity to improve cattle genetics by implementing crossbreeding programs. Fifty yearling bulls of five types of Brahman influence [ST-Brahman (n = 10), F1 Angus x Brahman (F1-Angus; n = 10), F1 Chianina x Brahman (F1-Chianina; n = 10), F1 Romosinuano x Brahman (F1-Romosinuano; n = 10), and F1 Simmental x Brahman (F1-Simmental; n = 10)] were selected to be compared in carcass performance (linear measurements, quality and quantity indicators, Venezuelan and U.S. grades, and cutability) at a desirable conformation endpoint with a suitable market weight of 480 kg. Shorter ST-Brahman carcasses exhibited the most abundant finish, significantly different from the longer F1-Simmental and F1-Romosinuano counterparts. All carcasses fell into the A youngest maturity and were eligible for the USDA "Bullock “class designation; 62% reached the top Venezuelan quality grade, 96% graded US Standard and 64% reached the US yield grade 1, indicating superior cutability. Significant differences in yield of individual cuts (ribeye + strip loin, and cuts from the round) were detected between F1-Romosinuano and St-Brahman, F1-Angus and F1-Chianina counterparts. F1-Chianina bulls had slight but significant advantages in yield of high-valued boneless cuts as compared to those of F1-Romosinuano and F1-Simmental counterparts. Conversely, F1-Romosinuano outperformed F1-Chianina in 1.73 percentage points of medium-valued boneless cuts (P < 0.05). Under the sample selection criteria and harvest endpoint, slight changes in carcass performance can be expected from crossbreeding.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Tomas Riera Sigala, Nelson O. Huerta Leidenz, Nancy C Jerez Timaure, Argenis Rodas Gonzalez, Jorge A. Ordonez Vela, Alexis Moya

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