Evaluation of an outdoor production system: 1. Sow performance until birth.

Keywords: reproduction, outdoor production, pig production


The reproductive performance of the Outdoor Pig Production Unit of the Faculty of Agronomy was evaluated for 17 years (1997-2014). Two thousand and fifty matings belonged to 187 sows and 46 boars were analyzed. It was evaluated as: Farrowing Rate (FR); Fertilizing-Service-Weaning Interval (FSWI), Farrowings Interval (FI), Total Piglets Born (TPB) and Piglets Born Alive (PBA), Average Weight (AW) and Litter Weight (LW); were affected by: Genetic Type of the Sow (GTS) and the Board (GTB); Service Season (SS) or Birth Season (BS) and Parity (P); Lactation Length (LL) as a covariate for FSWI and, FI and TPB for AW and LW. In addition, the correlation between the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and FR was studied. Simple means (± SE) for FR, FSWI, FI, LL, TPB, PBA, AW and LW were respectively: 73.7% (4.40); 19.5 days (1.01); 179.5 days (1.00) and 46 days (± 8.70); 9.9 (0.07); 9.3 (0.07); 1.37 (0.01) and 12.5 kg (0.10). FR was lower in summer than in autumn and winter, and showed a negative correlation with THI (-0.057). The FSWI was affected by SS (was greater in summer). The FI only showed to be correlated with LL (-0.623). The number and weight of the piglets was affected by GTS (the crosses sow showed the highest values) and the P, greater in older sows. The GTB only affected the LW. AW was affected negatively and LW positively by TPB. This results confirm the technical viability of the production system.


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How to Cite
Petrocelli, Hugo, Cecilia Carballo, and Nelson Barlocco. 2021. “Evaluation of an Outdoor Production System: 1. Sow Performance until Birth.”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 29 (1-2), 47-57. https://doi.org/10.53588/alpa.291206.
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