Dynamics of temporary space production of two pastures planted with perennial species

  • Ramiro Zanoniani Universidad de la República
  • Javier García Favre Universidad de la República
  • Mónica Cadenazzi Universidad de la República
  • Carlos Nabinger Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,
  • Pablo Boggiano Universidad de la República
Keywords: sustainability, grazing, sown pasture


The objective of the present work was to evaluate the forage production, botanical composition and stability of two perennial forage mixtures under grazing during a period of four years. The study was performed at EEMAC, FAGRO, UdelaR 32º23'27.1 ”south latitude and 58º03'41.76” west longitude (Paysandú, Uruguay). Two pastures were evaluated, a) Festuca arundinacea (festuca), Trifolium repens (clover) and Lotus corniculatus (lotus), (FBL) b) Dactylis glomerata (dactylis) and Medicago sativa (alfalfa), (DA). The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with four replications. The total forage production of both pastures did not differ statistically, although it did present a different seasonal distribution in the first two years. The DA mix reached higher spring/summer/autumn productions (P <0.05); while in FBL the lowest productions of the sown species were in the summer/autumn period. Both mixtures showed great resilience capacity in the winter/spring period given that each year they recovered their biomass contribution to about 90% of the total. Festuca arundinacea was the species with the highest persistence of the sown crops, achieving a 60% contribution in the fourth year; while Medicago sativa was the most stable legume. Summer annual C4 grasses were the main constituent species of summer weed, providing biomass in the period of least productivity of the FBL mixture. It is concluded that it is possible to achieve high forage productions for 4 years and that the use of both mixtures would improve the seasonal distribution of production systems.


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Author Biography

Ramiro Zanoniani, Universidad de la República
Ing. Agr. Esp. Msc. grado 3 Pasturas, departamento de Producción Animal y Pasturas. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay.


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How to Cite
Zanoniani, Ramiro, Javier García Favre, Mónica Cadenazzi, Carlos Nabinger, and Pablo Boggiano. 2018. “Dynamics of Temporary Space Production of Two Pastures Planted With Perennial Species”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 26 (3-4). https://ojs.alpa.uy/index.php/ojs_files/article/view/2583.
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