Methane emissions and mitigation: Viewpoint from operations of different scale

  • Gustavo Jaurena Facultad de Agronomía - Univ. de Buenos Aires
  • Juan Manuel Cantet Facultad de Agronomía - Univ. de Buenos Aires


Methane emissions from cattle production systems are of increasing concern in broad sections of the population. The nutritional origin of enteric methane generation and the rapid response it undergoes in response to altered feeding practices, has led to nutrition management being the most studied of mitigation strategies. The object of the present paper is to present some of the research results obtained at the School of Agronomy of Buenos Aires University on the relationship between nutrition and CH4 emissions. In vitro techniques were used to compare the methanogenic capacities of different forages and the effects of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of condensed tannins thereon. The parallel development of a simulation model has permitted prediction of CH4 production with respect to several variables measured at farm level.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Jaurena, Facultad de Agronomía - Univ. de Buenos Aires
Ing. Agr. orientado en Zootecnia egresado de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Univ. de Buenos Aires en 1986. En 1996 obtuve el grado de Magister Scientae en Producción Animal en la Pontificia Univ. Católica de Chile y en el 2003 el grado de PhD en la Univ. of Wales. Me he desempeñado como investigador y docente en las areas de Produccion lechera y Nutricion Animal, siendo mis areas de interés la Producción Lechera, la Nutrición de rumiantes, la Conservación de forrajes y la evaluación nutricional de forrajes y alimentos.
How to Cite
Jaurena, Gustavo, and Juan Manuel Cantet. 2016. “Methane Emissions and Mitigation: Viewpoint from Operations of Different Scale”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 24 (3).
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