Simulation of ruminal digestion by gas production method

  • María de los A. Bruni Universidad de la Republica. Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Pablo Chilibroste Universidad de la Republica. Montevideo, Uruguay


Different systems have been proposed to measure the accumulated gas production in forages and concentrates digestion kinetics studies. In this paper, the development, applications and limitations of the gas production technique (GPT), are discussed. Additionally, practical applications of the GPT are showed, including evaluation of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) silage, supplemented with rapidly fermentable energy, which illustrates the GPT potential to evaluate fermentability of forage’s soluble fractions.


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Author Biography

Pablo Chilibroste, Universidad de la Republica. Montevideo, Uruguay
Ingeniero Agrónomo (Facultad de Agronomía, UDELAR, Uruguay) Master (Departamento de Zootecnia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile). Philosophy Doctor (PhD) Doctor (Wageningen Agricultural University, Holanda)
How to Cite
Bruni, María de los A., and Pablo Chilibroste. 2005. “Simulation of Ruminal Digestion by Gas Production Method”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 9 (1).
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