Growth traits and carcass weights of purebred Brahman and F1 Brahman x Bos taurus bulls raised and fattened semi-intensively on improved savannah
To explore differences in growth traits, carcass weights and dressings percentages under improved, savannah-rearing conditions, five breed groups (purebred Brahman, PUREBREDS; F1 Angus, F1ANG; F1 Chianina, F1CHIA; F1 Romosinuano, F1ROMO; and F1 Simmental, F1SIM) of 10 contemporaneous bull calves each, were raised and fattened semi-intensively as a whole grazing lot. Data were analyzed for variance-covariance, using initial liveweight at each growth period, as a covariate. Adjusted daily gains (ADG) from birth to weaning for F1ANG, F1CHIA and F1ROMO outweighed (> 77g/d; P<.05) that of PUREBREDS. From weaning time up to 18m of age, F1ROMO and F1SIM outweighed PUREBREDS in ADG (> 62g/d; P<.05). F1 bulls were heavier than PUREBREDS at weaning and 18m, showing, espectively, differences of 20.4kg (11.5%; P=.10) and 20.6kg (9.5%; P=.0001). From 18m up to initiation of the fattening period (FATINITIATION, circa 23m of age), PUREBREDS and F1ANG surpassed in ADG (> 80g/d; P<.05) the remaining groups. Nevertheless, breed groups did not vary significantly (P>.05) in FATINITIATION weights, fattening rates, and time of feeding. At the endpoint used herein, PUREBREDS and F1 bulls did not differ in slaughter age, carcass weight or dressing percentage (P> .05). Under improved savannah feeding and management conditions, as described for this particular operation, crossbreeding allows product diversification of traditional Brahman cow-calf production systems by raising and/or fattening F1 young (<28m of age) slaughter bulls.