NR 30. Live weight gain in Holando steers on a native pasture at different forage allowances

  • Claudio Rinaldi Estación Experimental Mario A. Cassinoni, Paysandú, Uruguay


To study the influence of different forage allowances on live weight evolution of Holstein growth steers, a trial was carried out between 26.04.91 and 31.06.92. The treatments were 4 forage allowances: 5.0, 7.5, 10 and 12.5 kgDM/100 kg LW/day. The rotative grazed was with 7 days ocupation and 35 days rest in a native pasture. At the begining of each grazing period the sward measures were: forage availability, and sward height and forage remaining and sward height was measured at the end of grazing period. The growing curves were constructed by segments and the live weight gain was calculated by the difference between the maximum and the minimum polinomes. Was reported the animal performance althrough restriction and realimentation period, and relationship between sward characteristics and live weight gain. It is concluded that it is possible to use the sward height as a variable for the animals not to loose live weight. For the local conditions, the animals not to loose live weight in grazing sward height over 4 cm.


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How to Cite
Rinaldi, Claudio. 2005. “NR 30. Live Weight Gain in Holando Steers on a Native Pasture at Different Forage Allowances”. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Producción Animal 5 (3).