species. For example, for the red drum (Sciaenops
ocellatus), upon comparing diets with 4, 7, 14, and 21 % of
lipids, less growth was observed in those fed diets with
the higher lipid contents (14 and 21 %) (Craig et al., 1999).
In their natural environment, P. brachypomus
consumes seeds and fruits with high levels of
carbohydrates, and uses carbohydrates as an energy
source with greater efficiency than it does lipids
(VásquezTorres et al. 2011). For example, a study of
juvenile P. brachypomus evaluating nine commercial
type isoproteinic diets (all with a protein content of 32
%) with different levels of carbohydrates (20, 28, and 36
%) and lipids (4, 8, and 12 %) indicated a clear
tendency of reduction in weight gain of fish as the
levels of lipids increased (VásquezTorrres and Arias
Castellanos, 2012). It appears that reduction in lipids in
diets with a high carbohydrate content increases
weight gain of fish. Similar results have been reported
for fingerlings of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), in
which replacement of up to 50 % of fish meal with T.
molitor meal did not affect the quantity of feed
consumed, but negatively affected growth of the fish
(SánchezMuros et al., 2016).
Such results of replacement of T. molitor meal may
adversely affect productive parameters, whether due to
the high fat content or the content of chitin, a polymer
found in the exoskeleton of insects. For example, a study
of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) suggests that
consumption of chitin may reduce the efficiency of
enzymes that break down nutrients in food, impeding full
absorption of proteins and lipids by the gastrointestinal
tract (Fontes, 2018). However, Henry et al. (2015) suggest
that low productive indices in fish consuming insects may
be attributed to a lack of certain amino acids in the
protein of some insect species consumed, which could be
avoided by combining different protein sources or
supplementing with amino acids.
It has also been reported that different levels of
inclusion of T. molitor meal may have positive effects
on several species de fish. For example, for juvenile
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), upon partially
replacing (0, 33 and 66 %) of fish meal in dietary
formulations with T. molitor meal (0, 25, and 50 % of the
total diet), there were no differences in weight gain of
the fish, or in the physical characteristics of the raw or
cooked fillets (Iaconisi et al., 2018). Furthermore,
replacement of 0, 25, 50, and 75 % of fishmeal with T.
molitor meal in dietary formulations of yellow catfish
(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco; 0, 9, 18, and 27 % of the total
diet) did not result in significant differences in feeding
rate, specific growth rate, or feed conversion efficiency
(Su et al., 2017). Similarly, upon replacing 0, 35, and 71
% of fish meal with T. molitor meal in diets for gilthead
seabeam (Sparus aurata; 0, 25, and 50 % of the total
diet), it was found that up to 35 % of fish meal may be
replaced by T. molitor meal without negative effects on
weight gain (Piccolo et al., 2017). For fingerlings of the
hybrid giant tiger grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus x
Epinephelus fuscoguttatus), Song et al. (2018) studied six
diets, all of which were isonitrogenated and isolipidic,
replacing 0, 6.25, 12.5, 18.75, 25, and 31.25 % of fish meal
with T. molitor meal, finding the greatest growth rate with
12.5 % (4.92 % of the total diet) replacement of fish meal.
Several authors have evaluated inclusion of full fat,
degreased, and hydrolyzed Z. atratus meal in diets for
diverse species de fish. Nevertheless, no records exist
of its use to feed P. brachypomus. For lubina
(Dicentrarchus labrax) in aquaentoponic systems using
insects as feed, Stathopoulou et al., (2022) recently
evaluated substitution of 10 % and 20 % of fish meal
with defatted Zophobas meal, and Prachom et al. (2021)
11.1 to 44.4 % of fish meal with degreased meal of
larvae of Z. atratus in a study feeding barramundi fish
(Lates carcarifer). Both studies established that no
significant differences exist among different rates of
replacement of fish meal with insect meal in volume
consumed, weight gain, final weight, feed conversion
index, specific growth weight, or survival of
individuals. Thus, we conclude that 10 %
(Stathopoulou et al., 2022) to 12 % (Prachom et al., 2021)
of the total diet may consist of degreased Z. atratus
meal without negative effects on the productive
performance of the fish.
Similar studies with hydrolyzed Z. atratus or T.
molitor meal as a substitute for 40 % of fish meal in
diets of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) found no
differences in parameters of growth, volume of feed
consumed, or intestinal histomorphology (Mikołajczak
et al., 2020). In a study by Doğankaya (2016) of rainbow
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in which 0, 25, 50, and 100
% of fish meal was replaced with Z. atratus meal, the
best performance was found replacing 25 %, which was
similar to the control treatment using commercial feed.
Another study established replacing up to 25 % of fish
meal in the diet of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus) with Z. atratus meal did not present any
adverse effect on the productive parameters or body
composition of the fish (Jabir et al., 2012). Similar
results were found in the diets of cobia (Rachycentron
canadum) upon replacing up to 30 % of fish meal with
Z. atratus meal, without significant effects on growth
among treatments, final average weight of the fish, or
the feed conversion index (Chainark et al., 2022).
ISSNL 10221301. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal. 2023. 32 (3): 121 136
BonillaAmaya et al.